Mr. D's in Kingman, AZ
Why is this boy smiling? He is at Mr. D's, in Kingman, Arizona. Oprah loves it, so does he. Mr. D's pleases the entire gamut of skin pigment.
Sorry, no pictures of food - strict Mr. D's policy. Not really, I ate my food before I remembered to get out the camera. Mr. D's is exactly what it looks like - an old school diner. The food is greasy in all the right ways. I had a burger the first time, it was delicious. Amy had a patty melt, it was better than my burger. Last time I had a reuben, it was rather awesome. They have a small menu, but when you ask the waitress what's good they tell you (and I believe them) that pretty much everything is notably good.
Here's what a crappy food reviewer I am. There are pictures of Oprah on the walls, on the pictures, she writes "Love that Root Beer". Did I try the root beer? No. It's probably good. Try it yourself.