AC's Drive-in

For such a small town, I am eating at an inordinate number of restaurants in Declo. If you (meaning the imaginary reader of this blog who isn't personally familiar with Declo, Idaho) didn't know better you would think that Idaho was some sort of mythical burg where there are only restaurants and no people.

Oh well, here is ACs drive in. It has tormented me for years. I am usually in Declo for the fair and, thus, have built in eating plans. ACs is right across the street from the fair. I have been curious since I first saw it about 10 years ago. This year it is celebrating it's 1,000,000th birthday (or 50th, whatever) which led me to this rationalization - if it's been in business this long, it must he good. Although, the same could be said for cancer and taxes as well.
Anyway, my buddy Dave said, after I told him I wanted to go to "greasy's", said I had to get the Farmer Brown. I begged and pleaded and whined to my wife and finally, on our way out of town, got her to drive through. I ordered a Farmer Brown, and ate it.

Well, you got your two beef patties, lettuce, tomato, and "white sauce". It was good. Unfortunately, I had already gained about five pounds from the fair and other unhealthy eating choices and didn't get anything else. I'll go again, so far I liked it.

-- Post From My iPhone


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