Purty Flowers

I am so behind, I still haven't posted my favorites from our trip to Idaho.  On the trip, I tried to learn how to manually adjust the settings on our camera to take pictures that looked the way I wanted them to.  I made some progress with these macro photos.  Click on the photo to see a higher resolution version.  This first one is intentionally focused on the leaves, and not the flower.

This next one is another picture of a rose.  I love macro photos because you see a whole different version of a common object you stopped noticing years ago.

You can probably tell, I am a bit obsessed with bugs.

Aaaaand, one more:


Anonymous said…
I need/want this camera for my food blog! I would be so much cooler with a camera like that. I would probably have more friends! Jerk!
Anonymous said…
I spose there are some skills involved....

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