Helpful Hints for Bloggers who use Blogger

Once upon a time, Dad got bucked off a horse and suffered a concussion. He was probably rockin' about a 12 out of 15 on the Glascow Coma Scale . He kept saying "I really got my bell rung" and "I'm gonna be one sore Jose' in the morning." He totally ate pavement. Get ready for a non sequitur . . .

I obviously blog on Blogger/Blogspot. I am a mac user and I have been using Iphoto to organize my pics. However, our DSLR that we usually shoot in Raw doesn't sync up well with iPhoto. Also, I have had library issues with iPhoto which has made me worried that I am going to lose my pictures. In fact, I just lost a bunch of pictures last week thanks to iPhoto. SO, I have changed my photo organization software.

I now use Picasa. Picasa, the reviews will tell you, is not the best or the most powerful photo organization software around, but it is pretty good. I like it because it is free, it doesn't re-copy all your photos into a proprietary library (doubling the space used by stored photos), and it handles RAW images better than iPhoto. BUT, the best part about it is the one button blog upload button. I am using it now.

Just select the pics you want in your post, click the "Blog Now" button at the bottom and, like magic, your post is created with the pics already in it. It even lets you select RAW images and automatically converts them to jpeg. Check it out, it is dead simple and works.

PS, if you have a better solution let me know.

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Anonymous said…
Weird that that is happening. I love Iphoto and don't find Picasa to be very fun to use. I use Piknik for photo editing. Love it.

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