Lekkerbeks - Not South African food

There is a rumor going around that there is a South African deli in Las Vegas.  My South African friend thought Lekkerbeks, might be that place.  It turns out its name means, directly translated, "sweet mouth" in Afrikaans, which, coincidentally, was my nickname in high school.

When we got there, the restaurant seemed to advertise itself as a "panini" place.  They had what looked like Hydrox cookies in those clear plastic dessert trays. I couldn't figure out if these guys were ripping people off, or of these were some sort of highbrown homemade oreos.  This place had a weird feel to it.  My friend asked the guy if there was any South African food here and was told that the place was named by its previous Dutch owners; he simply didn't change the name when he took over.  Drat, we were eating at a regular deli.

Oh well, I had my camera, so I put on my critic pants and went to work.  The owner was very friendly, if a bit verbose.  He explained more than needed to be explained.  However, one shouldn't find fault with friendly service if you happen to find some in Vegas.

I ordered the "lekkerbek", which was a pita that was grilled like a pannini with grilled steak, provolone, spinach and a chipotle dipping sauce.  It was good.  I ordered the whole grain pita and was given the sun dried tomato one.  It was still tasty.  The meat was very tender and flavorful.  The spinach was good.  The chipotle sauce was tangy and spicy.  It was a good sandwich.

I was feeling sassy that day, so I also ordered dessert.  I can't remember what the owner called it.  It ended with "cheesecake".  I am not so sure it was a cheesecake, but it was quite good.  It seemed more like a cheesecake mouse layered with chocolate mousse.  For a deli, this was faaaaancy.  It was also tasty.  Rich, but not too.  Good chocolate flavor.

Lekkerbeks, this is a tasty place.  Would I drive across town for it?  No.  Would I go again?  Yes. Posted by Picasa


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