A Lighter Burger Lunch

We have most of a cow (the tasty bits, anyway) in our freezer.  That means, lots of beef.  It also means lots of hamburger.  With hamburgers, it is very easy to slip into a routine where you just throw meat on the grill.  It's good - certainly better than McDonalds, but, like a marriage, you should always work to keep it interesting.  So, this Sunday, I tried to make the burgers a little ... more. 

The "different" burgers started the day before when Amy wanted to buy "bolillo" rolls instead of hamburgers.  No problem.  In spite of my diet, I have recently become enamored with mexican baked goods anyway (they have the BEST doughnuts).  

Next, during church, I was inspired to add Greek seasoning (I don't know what's in it, but it's good) and feta to the meat to give it a bit of zing.  I have been in the habit of adding cheese to my burgers since reading the back of a Hidden Valley Ranch Packet that told me to add shredded cheese to my "ranchburger" patty prior to cooking.  I think it is a great idea, because you can then overcook your burger and the cheese keeps it moist. 

Then, also in church, I remembered we had asparagus and decided I could make something slightly healthier than fries for a side.  For the asparagus, I diced some bacon, fried it and simultaneously grilled the asparagus. The asparagus was totally naked (but the picture is still safe for work), until it joined the mostly drained bacon and a bit more salt in the pan.  

The end result?  Something different, tasty, and perhaps a bit healthy.  Oh, and it was absolutely not difficult.  Check your spice drawer and see what you can do to your burgers, then check your fridge for cheese.  It's summer time, so do it now. 


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