Gorgeous Vegetables

I have long been a serious carnivore.  I love meat.  In fact, for a while, I was anti-vegetable.  I thought it was cool.  Time and, hopefully, maturity have taught me that vegetables are nice, too.  While I particularly love them grilled, I am learning to love them for what they are.

They have so many textures and flavors.  They also go really well with meat.

I used to despise onions, I would do just about anything to not eat one.  Now, I'll purposely grill one on a skewer with some other vegetables.  Do you see the light green zucchinni looking thing?  It's a mexican "calabasa".  I just picked it up because it looked cool and might taste good.  I never would have done that five years ago.

If you think about it, if you never embrace vegetables, you are really limiting your cooking experiences.  The possibilities increase exponentially when you let vegetables in.  You probably already are doing this.  If you aren't, get on it, bub.  Vegetables rock.Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
You said "bub" and I loved it.

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