Fwd: A day of CLE

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From: "R. Kade Baird
Date: April 16, 2009 10:47:06 AM PDT
To: Blog
Subject: A day of CLE

I attended a CLE today. Funny stuff. First, they are always boring. A few interesting things.
First, everyone who speaks 1. Uses powerpoint; 2. They give you a note view printout of all their slides; 3. People stilltake notes and WRITE DOWN STUFF THAT IS ON THE SLIDES. One presented was presenting about the future of the profession and he put a ton of web sites in his slides (which were printed out in our booklet), and the guy next to me is writing them out on the little pad of paper next to the printout!

It is also funny to see the annoying personalities thar come out in these group situations. First there is the guy who, during the question and answer period decides that 4:59 seconds of the available 5 minutes. There is the guy who decides he will be the most popular guy in his row by talking too loudly throughout the presentations eliciting begrudged and embarrasssed laughs from the people surrounding them.
There are the people who are so important that every two minutes has to get up to take a call(whisper shouting "hello, this is bob. Yeah, I'm at a CLE, but I can talk).
Then there are the guys like me who screw around the whole time. Write down two notes and are there only because it is required by the bar.

Is it like this for everyone else?

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Anonymous said…
I had to look up what Esq. was that you have next to your name yesterday. I had no idea that attorneys had their own cool little name of Esquire. Did you know back in the day you were just a rank below a knight! Pretty cool. I am sure that the CLEs back then were more interesting. "Off with your head for answering your phone Bob!" Why do you have to pick on Bob anyway?

I am speechless over the above post, but I hope to find a forward to send you that sparks such excitement.

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