How a hair in my salad disappointed me twice in the same meal

On a friend's recommendation, I ate at Pasta Pomodoro at an outlet mall by my hotel in San Francisco. Pasta Pomodoro is a chain. It was about 9 pm, my luggage had taken forever to get to the Oakland Airport Baggage carousel - they must have known I was a Bronco's fan.


The food was pretty good. The dish to the left here, was alright, but I expected it to be more sage-y than it was. Service was ok. There was almost noone in the restaurant. But, the point of this post is below.

Here is my salad. I had never had a salad made with brussels sprouts. It was a delicious salad. With an oil based and mild dressing. Pancetta mixed throughout with a boiled egg. A tasty dish indeed. BUT
I found a hair. Sometimes when I find a hair, I can keep eating. But this salad was unusual enough that I was kind of weirded out and couldn't finish the salad.
Now, I am not a particularly demanding guy. I have never yelled at a server or manager. I have never demanded a free meal. I assume that from time to time, mistakes happen. However, eating in one of the most litigious states in the Union, in a city known for its sense of entitlement, I thought, perhaps I will get a free dessert out of the deal.
The waitress came to pick up the salad and I pointed out that there was a hair in it, a short black one, even.
"Oh, sorry." She said. And that was it.
That can't be it. I nearly ate a PUBE and I just get a "sorry."
One pube. One meal. two disappointments.


Anonymous said…
I hope you don't mind my comments, but this is especially worth commenting on! I think it is awesome that you are not one of those customers I used to have that demanded free everything and no tip for simple mistakes, but this is disturbing! How can a high caliber attorney such as yourself take that from a waitress! I know you are a nice guy, but that was uncool of that waitress to expect sorry to suffice for a hair from down under. Sorry about your meal dude! Josh says your hair is better!
Rkade said…
Well, first, while the hair was a pube, I am not certain that it was from Australia (how could you make that assumption?). Anyway, I like comments, so you can't overdo it. It allows me to pretend someone is reading.
Anonymous said…
You made Jack cry out in fright from my loud outburst of laughter. At first I was wondering where"Australia"came from and then I reread my comments and laughter ensued. I kind of hate your blog because it is so darn witty, I wish I wanted to read my blog as bad as I want to read yours.

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