Rincon de Buenos Aires - Holy Crap Argentinian food is good

We have friends, a couple, the female half of which served a mission in Argentina. They were over and mentioned they had recently had good Argentinian food. I, naive as to even the existence of Argentinian food, asked what the heck it was? Apparently, it is gaucho italian food. I resolved to go there. As a testament to my gumption, stick-to-itiveness, true grit, and etc., I managed to go the next week with buddy, Jim (who also went to the soul food place I reviewed).

Rincon de Buenos Aires (henceforth RBA), is in Chinatown. This is funny for two reasons. First, I don't really understand why a small city like Vegas has a Chinatown. It even has a sign at the exit! Anyway, in the midst of Chinatown, is an argentinian restaurant. It's in a strip mall and looks like a deli.
RBA does not look new and lacks a unity of design of a well planned restaurant concept. No matter, I only care about food and if they'll give it to me. (Spoiler alert!) RBA, it turns out, will give me food.
The menu is big. I was shocked. There was gnocchi, spaghetti, lasagne and other italian standbys. I read it over and over. I was intrigued by a couple of sausage dishes, but then I saw the Lomo Completo. Yes, folks, the Lomo Completo ( it slices, it dices . . . ). Described in the menu as a sandwich, is a filet mignon, cheese, a fried egg, mayonnaise, mustard, lettuce and tomato. I was in love.

Here it is. The bread is good, the steak was delicious. It was cooked to order. I have a theory on how to tell if you have a good steak. My trick is that if you cook it and season it with only salt and pepper and it's delicious, you have a good steak. Well, RBA only seasoned the steak with salt and pepper and it was AMAZING!
The fries were good, the parboiled variety, I think. Also, please note that they didn't use iceberg lettuce.

Because I don't have the new iphone, you can't tell so much from the second picture, but this shows the texture a bit better and shows that they did, indeed, cook it to medium, like I requested. From this angle it looks like there was also ham. Frankly, I don't remember. I only remember that it was great.

It seems to me that the Argentines know beef and they know Italian food. What a great combination. I can't wait to get back. The menu had some deals for two people or more where they bring out a little hibachi type thing that is filled with meat. I want that. I want it bad.


Anonymous said…
well I can't believe you commented on my blog! I should update. What is going on with these celebrities!

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