Breakfast Calzones!

Amy went to Williams Sonoma the other day and snagged a calzone thingy.  I don't know what it is called. You use it to make Calzones, of course.  Maybe it is a calzone maker.  Whatever it is, she made some damn fine calzones.  She also made some extra dough, bless her heart, so the next day I made breakfast calzones

Having made one (count it, one) breakfast calzone, I am now ready to dispense advice on the subject.

1. Roll out the dough.

Amy and I shared the breakfast calzone that is pictured here.  There was dough for two.  I have only made one breakfast calzone.  Why?  Because the first was a horrible failure.  I rolled the dough to thin, especially in the middle, and it broke, hemorrhaging scrambled eggs all over.  It was gruesome.

2. Filling - I fried up some onions and mushrooms with some chopped bacon to mix in with my scrambled eggs.  I try to put the whole breakfast in there, because to me the calzone is supposed to a one stop meal.  Thus, bacon is mixed into the eggs.  Throw some cheese on there also.  I don't put raw ingredients in here.  I think it only gets hot enough to melt cheese.

3. Cook it.  I guess I cooked it at about 500 degrees on a pizza stone for 11 minutes.  My only complaint is the difference in texture between the part that was on the stone had a  different texture than the part that was up in the air.  I may try turning the calzone next time.

4. Eat it.  I guess that's a Weird Al reference.  This was quite tasty.  I covered it in salsa and enjoyed.  With this, you could probably make them the day before, coat them in olive oil and bake them the next morning.

Photo note - the picture is a bit blurry because of the steamy goodness coming out of it, not because I didn't focus right.


Anonymous said…
Pretty yummy looking. Your blog is rocking my world.

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