Desert Botanical Gardens - Pretty Birds

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The cactus and trees at the Desert Botanical Gardens give the birds a place to roost.  I snapped the pictures I thought were worth taking while we were there.

It's amazing that in a place, which is literally in the center of a gigantic metropolitan area, there is a place where you can take pictures of the skyline and see no buildings or skyscrapers.

The colors of the desert birds usually complement the plants they roost on.  They always look nice together, but they don't stand out, either.

That's why, when you see a brightly colored bird, you have to get a picture of it.  The bummer was, my lens was an 18-55.  It's a decent all around lens, especially in well lit environs, but it doesn't have much of a zoom.  If I had thought about it, I would have slapped on Amy's 75-300 and really gotten close to these birds.  Especially this one:


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