A Nice Christmas Surprise

My wife has one hell of a time surprising me at Christmas. My ability to guess presents has caused quite some anguish and anger on her part. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't so cocky about it. I have guessed the fabric and color of items that were completely wrapped before. So, I have supposedly "ruined" many Christmases.

This year was different. I had no expectations and was given a medium sized box to open, in it was a helmet. I opened and said - "Is this for our eventual longboard?" "Oh, let me get your last present," she said. Shortly, she returned with a bubble wrapped present that was, as you can see, a longboard.

This wasn't just any longboard, it was a Black Longboard.  My brother-in-law makes them.  And boy does he make them.  After riding it around the neighborhood, I thought I'd take a picture or two.  I had to, it was so glossy and beautiful.

What blows my mind, is how precise it all is.  Can it really be handmade?  The details are stunning but not garish.  In fact, I think that subtlety can really be a sign of craftsmanship.  On the same side as the white stripe, there is subtlety.  It's hard to see, but Josh put "Black Longboards" in black, on a black field.  You can see it, but you have to be close.  It's cool and makes you feel like there is a secret message on the board, just for you.

The last picture was staged just to show you how glossy the paint is.  It's a mirror finish.

So that's the looks - tasteful, precise and nicely saturated colors.  How's the ride?

I have no idea.  I have ridden it and love it.  I don't, however, have any other experience on longboards.  I have only ridden other Black longboards, so I have nothing to compare it to.  However, I trust Josh.  I trust that he makes them carefully and probably perfectly.

Jealous?  You should be.   Hopefully I can update this post later with a web site so you can check out Josh's drool-worthy work.

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Anonymous said…
Holy crap this is an incredibly nice post! Someday if we ever have a site, I hope we can link to this post (review) with your permission. Umm that last picture is the coolest picture. Not sure how you did that with your mad photography skills, but it blows my mind. Thank you for trying it out and for your kind words. I can't wait to show this to Josh. He was going to put an arcade machine on it with rkadetokens sticker (he has a company that does custom stickers), but I thought it might be a bit much. I do, however, love the Denver Broncos colors even though I don't actually like your team.
Anonymous said…
Hey I just read this! Thanks for the shout out!
Anonymous said…
That was Josh by the way

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